Monday, September 13, 2021

Slime # 93. BY request

Slime name. The danish Slime/Mine Slimne/ Bouncy Slime.
Slime type.Brute.
Slime speed. medium.
Slime effect. These vaguly cute slimes can be found both above and below ground, they normaly bounce around in one area waiting for some helpless pray to come by, wich they then attempt to consume.
Due to some unknwon chameleon like power during christmass they can mimic the apparence of Presents, how and why this happens is anyone's guess.
Week to. Blunt, Fire.


  1. hmmm I think what he meant by Danish slime was a red/white one. :p


  2. Not sure what I'm going to do after 100-maybe publish this meme?
    marhawkman — Today at 5:13 AM
    hahah, maybe a different monster category?
