Saturday, September 8, 2018

September Sci Fi: Lost Heroes project # 1

"Web Woman" 
From the Wikipedia…. Web Woman is the primary alias used by Kelly Webster, a fictional character and cartoon superheroine. She is featured on the 19781980 television series Tarzan and the Super 7 by Filmation

The redheaded Kelly is a NASA scientist[1] turned farmer who saves the life of a tall, thin insectoid alien when he is swept into a raging river during a thunderstorm. In gratitude, the alien presents her with a special ring with a black widow "hourglass" design which grants her the powers of the entire insect kingdom. The alien proves to be an agent of the mysterious entity named Scarab, the guardian of the space station Citadel 7, who communicates with her via a huge crystal orb in the secret lair hidden in a cavern beneath her barn. Exactly how she came into contact with Scarab after receiving the ring was not specified in any of the cartoons, but she becomes Web Woman soon afterward. Her transformation from Kelly Webster into Web Woman is brought on by a vocal command, combined with the power of the ring, that is spoken like this:
"Insects of the world...small creatures of the cosmos...lend me your powers--NOW!"

Clothing, allies, and equipment[edit]

The outfit Kelly wears as Web Woman consists of a purple leotard with a "W"-shaped collar, a matching belt, matching boots, and a matching skullcap with an attached antennae-like "W"-shaped black mask. She has a variety of weapons, such as a rope-like "web-line" that unspools from her utility belt and obeys her commands, and the ring can produce sleeping gas, an energy beam that solidifies into a spider web for ensnaring enemies, and a force field of energized webbing.
Web Woman is aided in her missions for Scarab by a cute plump and furry alien with bat-like ears, big buck teeth and large black eyes who responds to the name of "Spinner." While the shrilly-gibbering little space creature is often used for comic relief, he is also an expert mechanic and has the ability to curl up into a ball and roll at high speed so that he can bowl over the enemies Web Woman fights. Together they travel in a spider-shaped, eight-legged flying saucer she calls the "Web-Trac." The Web-Trac can burrow through the ground as easily as it flies through space. 
Now lets translate that to 2018 RPG terms and remember that Web Woman and Marvels Spider Woman were in direct conflict with each other as they came out at the same time?????
WEB WOMAN 2018 Origin.
She was an Entomologist working for NASA, studying the effect of Zero G on insects. Specifically Spiders to see how their webbing could be used in the Space Program, after all there were some spider silks that were technically as strong as steal.
Studying spiders that had survived and adapted to the radiation from various “Para Human” incidents allowed her to develop many new uses for her experimental silks including a few unplanned one's.
She spent many nights in her privet lab on her Farm conducting more experiments with these mutated Para Silks on various Materials and even a few lab animals. The results were far more SUPER then she could possibly imagine.
When the budget cuts hit her department she found her self with a lot of free time and a curiosity as to how far she could push her new super silks.
And thus the WEB WOMAN was born.

All Her powers come from the various devises she has designed out of her mutated Super Spider Silks, these include the following.
A:  A rope-like "web-line" that unspools from her utility belt,  this line has the tensile strength of carbon steal and can support up to 1000 pounds and can stretch up to almost 500 feet and retract back within a few seconds and yet is no thicker then dentil floss.
B: Energized Webbing. Able to entangle her foes and deliver a bio electric shock.
C: Her costume is made of Super Silk and provide her with a high degree of resistance to injury and impact and can create a Energized Webbing force field providing her with limited Life Support for short periods of time
D: Her Black gloves allow her to cling to most objects and support her weight  even when hanging from the side of a rocket in Zero G (?)

Pet: One of the lab animals she experimented on is a Mutated monkey? named Spinner who has developed enhanced Intellect and mechanical aptitude as well as enhanced strength and a unusual Combat style similar to the Japanese Martial Art of SUMO.

Vehicle: On occasion WEB WOMAN is known to sue a vehicle that SPINNER built that seems to be a scarp built VW Bug body with 8 Legs, the WEB TRACK as it's called can move along most surfaces at a lumbering speed of 40 MPH, it can also tunnel through dirt and sand and on at least one occasion SPINNER was able to get it to fly!
A event he has yet to repeat