Friday, August 27, 2021

Slime # 76. They mostly come out at night, mostly

Slime name. Slime queen/Xeno Blob/
Slime tyep. caustic?
Slime speed. fast.
Slime effect. This agresiv parasitic slime has acid for blood that can eat through anything....
Wait it has acid for blood that can eat through anything except it's self? That makes no sene?
it lays egg's that when hatcehd...
Wait the eggs would be acidic and thus unable to carry a...
This slime makes no sens just run when you see it.!!!!

Week to fire, vacume, logic


1 comment:

  1. Honestly... Xenomorph blood has never made logical sense. :p Why doesn't it dissolve Xeno-flesh? and it doesn't..... Also, despite looking nearly 100% Human, Ripley 7 had acidic blood that could dissolve whatever material was used for the windows of that ship she was in. Also... Ripley's blood looked like Human blood... at least in normal light. 90% sure that Ripley 7 was immune to having her flesh dissolved by Xeno-blood splatter though. thing is though... how does Ripley's touch NOT have this effect? If her skin is acidic enough to avoid being dissolved by her own blood... then why isn't it reactive with her environment?
