Saturday, June 5, 2021

Slime's are a Game Masters best friend

Slime,Jelly's,Cubes, Blobs, Ooze, cubes, goop.
No matter what you call them they are your best friend if your a Game Master. Why?-Because.
1: They can be used in any type of RPG, not just fantasy but ANY . Dungeon Slime, Space Slime, Psychic Slime, Mine Slime, Scarry Slime, Old West Slime,Cyberpunk Slime, Bat Slime. They Fit in any type of game.
2: The Bad Guy does not have to pay them. Feed them. Tell them what to do. Provide them with insurance. Provide them with housing. Explain his motivation to them and best of all the Bad Guy does not have to listen to them complain
| 3: The Game Master does not have to explain them or why they are their, the Game Master can put them any where and the Game Master has an UNLIMITED amount of slime's at their disposable!
Yes my friend a Slime is your best tool and let us embrace them together!
This project is dedicated to Slime both old and new and I present to you some new Slime's and some familiar
Slime Types
Much like Pokemon, Slime can be broken down in to Types.
Elemental Type Slime's that somehow create effects such as Fire, Cold and Electricity.
Caustic TypeSlime's that dissolve,poison, sicken or create other caustic effects.
Psychic TypeSlime that can induce effect like fear,confusion or madness.
Cute TypeSlime's that are just cute.
Below are some example slimes to start this off. Enjoy!

Red Slime
Type: Elemental.
Effect. Contact with a Red Slime causes burning damage and flamibile objects like wood will burst in to flame if they come in to contact with a red slime.
Week to. Cold damage.

Ornge Slime
Type. Caustic.
Effect. Expels spors if disturbed, these spors infect the living cuasing disease and eventual death. The slime then feeds off the corpse.
Speed. very slow.
Week to.Fire.

Yellow Slime
Effect.Disolves Organic matter(Flesh) and leaves the inorganic matter(Your cloths) behind.
Week to. Fire.

Green Slime.
Type.Caustic. Effect. Disolves Organic matter.
Speed. Slow.
Week to Fire.

Blue Slime
Effect. just sort of stands around looking goffy and/or perplexed.
Speed. Medium.
Week to. Cold.

Indigo Slime.
Effect. Can cause confusion and madness as well as just being all Lovecraftian.
Speed. Slow.
Week to.Sunlight.

Violet Slime.
Effect. Emits a sweet scent that atracts small animals to it,they get stuck in the slime and are disolved.
Speed. Imobile
Week to. Fire

Black Slime
Effect. Delicious.
Speed. Imobile.
Week to. Beaing eaten

White Slime
Type. Elemental.
Effect. Frezes anything it comes in to contact with.
Week to. Fire.

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