Thursday, May 6, 2021

World Building from Outside in # 2

Exploration of a failed game.
As previously discussed the idea behind this disaster was the players had total control of world building from the god/creation phase all the way down to individual player character adventuring in the world phase.
Each phase was dedicated to what would and would not be allowed in the game, the first phase was all about building the world and placing the Clay of Creation , but as i also said in fact nothing we did mattered as the game master already had things planed that we had no control over.
For example during the god phase one of the players wanted to basically be MAUI from MOANA and create islands and people but the second he tried suddenly evil chaos dragons existed in the world! Why? because the GM wanted humans to appear somewhere else as and as such MAUI could not place them on his islands
The same thing happened when my God tried to make Dwarfs, suddenly they were evil dark elves? Why? because the GM wanted Drow!
while the idea is good the actual play was horrible .
The phase were Gods(World creation). Demi Gods (race creation) Legends (Class creation)Heroes (Civilization building) and finally the PC age of adventure.
in the first phase we had Three gods as we only had Three players and that Phase only lasted one session as it was already apparent we actually had no say.

Phase Two
Demi Gods and the Races
Phase two begins with the birth of the Demi God's.
Muse gives the world to Tarkus,Fraya and Cole but in it's infinite wisdome it saves some of the song of creation to give to their Childrin. Unto these Demi Gods Muse says go Forth and multiple.
God of Battle,Honer. Judge of the Dead.
Symbol. A hammer.
Favored Race .Halflings.
Favored Class. Barbarains.
Favored weapon Hammer.
Favored animal. Horse.
There are those who believe Vall is the first child of Fraya and Tarkus, and other who believe that Vall is another aspect of Tarkus. No matter which story they follow all the agree that Vall sits in his Halls (Val's Hall's) and sends forth his Horse's,to carry(Vall Carry) the dead back to his Halls to be Judged.
Vall favors the Halfling race above all and has given them the gift to survive anywhere and overcome the many threats that will befall them. Great Halfling hordes ride across the world on their horses seeking honer and glory for their great Khan Vall.
During this phase of the game we decided to make the Halflings this worlds equivalent of the Mongol Hordes. The idea of these tinny barbarians riding in the thousands and descending on civilization like a plague of locusts was both funny and terrifying!

Abseynthia (Tylopia)
Dark goddess of the elf's Goddess of pleasure and debauchery.
Symbol. A Blindfold.
Favored race. Elf's
Favored Class. Rogues.
Favored weapon. Whip.
Favored animal. Spider.
Tarkus gave birth to the Dwarfs. Col tricked them and led them into the deep but it was Abseynthia who was waiting for the dwarfs and who corrupted them in to the dark one's. It was Abseynthia who drugged the Dark one's with food and wine and eggplant Parmesan (yes this was in game?) and when she grew bored of her games. It was Abseynthia who led the dark one's back into the light to create the first dark elf's
It was Abseynthia who lost Dax/Muir and it was Abseynthia who in her hubris created her own worst enemy Aslan.
The whole eggplan paramasan thing was pretty much the begining of the end of this game.

Arch Mage and Lich King. God of magic.
Symbol. A red eye.
Favord race. Elfs & Tabaxi.
Favor class. Wizirds.
Favord wepaon. Dagger.
Favord animal. Cat.
Aslan was the first dark elf to seek the light of day and knowlidge. Aslan was the first dark elf to breakj free of the power of >Abseynthia. While the other Elfs were frivilous planting egg plant and drinking wine, it was Aslan who saught out the secert of Writing and who craeted the first spell.
When >Abseynthia lost Muri, it was Aslan who went to find him and discoverd the Tabaxi hidding in ther jungel.
When the dark terror of Orcus came upon the elfs, Aslan bound the demon gof to him and with that became the first Lich. Since then the Arch Mage has stood against the elf's who are still loyal to Abysnthia, the Barbaric Halflings and any one else who he believes is a threat to controlled world he seeks to create

The lost one. God of Justice and Hope.
Symbol. A shield.
Favord race.Humans
Favord Class. paladins.
Favord weapon. Sword & Shield
Favord animal.Dog.
Dax was a simple farmer kind and just who grew to have mastery over many plants and animals, Abseynthia in her chaotic jealousy saw Dax as a threat to her Eggplant and sought to seduce hum. When she could not corrupt the simple farmer she instead tricked him in to following her in to the wilds.
Dax was never seen again but since that time those who have lost all hope have felt his presence and his whispered guidance has turned the tide more then once against the dark..

So as i said the idea of phase two was that the Demi gods appered and gave birth to many of the races that would live in this world, if by the end of this phase we had not craeted a race then chances are that arce would not be avalibile to play later on. We all started as dark elfs and whiel we had ideas things went downhill quicily when the whoel eggplant thing started. Worse was for some reason the MANIC PIXY DREEM GIRL player who was Boinking the GM took a disliking to the player of Dax and her stupid actions led him to not return.
The second phase ended with Aslan becoming the Arch Lich/Mage King and declaring war on the MANIC PIXY DREEM GIRLS dark elf's.
At this point the rest of us knew the game was pretty much doomed.

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